Evertz Group

Egon Evertz KG

Ideas for cost-saving services were at the beginning and, along with innovative products, are still the strength of the Evertz Group today. It all began in 1956, when 19-year-old Egon Evertz started a company in Solingen for repair welding in the steel mills between Dortmund and Rheinhausen.
One of the first Evertz innovations was the replacement of hot welding by cold welding in the repair of ingot molds in the steel mills. First demonstrated in practice by Egon Evertz, ingot mold welding became established in German and foreign steel mills and led to a considerable reduction in ingot mold consumption.
Following this successful start, services for the steel industry were expanded to include new areas and fields of technology. In the meantime, the Evertz Group holds several patents and industrial property rights and is represented with products and services at many points in the steel production chain. There is no economic alternative to the Evertz program!