Iron & Steel Technology May-2010

Egon Evertz KG / ETS

With more than 50 years in the industry, the Evertz Group is a leading provider of specialized services for the steel and metal industries. Activities range from labor-based services to highly sophisticated capital-intensive processes in most of the steelmaking stages. The scope of activities is complemented by the conception an manufacturing of specialized equipment. The Evertz Group has serviced a large number of steelmaking corporations worldwide. Since 2002, Evertz Technology Service U.S.A. Inc. has processed more than 1 mio. tons for AK Steel at its slab grinding shop in Middletown, Ohio. In 2008 Evertz Galvanic Div. with ETS opened a new galvanic/machine shop, Coating Technology Services, to support coating copper plates an mold maintenance in the U.S. This facility is located in Middletown, Ohio.


"Iron&Steel Technology" May 2010