On February 22, the regional competition "Jugend forscht" will take place at the Gründer- und Technologie- zentrum (GuT). Sponsors are Egon Evertz KG, the GuT, item Industrietechnik, Nouvertné, the Stadt-Sparkasse, Wilkinson Sword, the Wirtschaftsförderung, Ed. Wüsthof and Zweibrüder Optoelectronics. flm
Solinger Tageblatt from 12.02.2014
Six people from Solingen take part in "Jugend forscht
COMPETITION Regional round takes place on February 22 at the Gründer- und Technologiezentrum.
Six students from Solingen are taking part in the regional round of "Jugend forscht" and "Schüler experimentieren". Fabian Schmitz (15), a student from the August-Dicke-Schule (ADS) high school, has designed an app for the smartphone that is supposed to estimate bees. It is one of ten entries to "Jugend forscht," two qualifying for the state competition ...
Solinger Tageblatt from 12.02.2014