Fabrication and Repair

Tube moulds, copper moulds, continuous casting moulds

50 years of experience in the production of copper moulds

Egon Evertz KG is a global player in the technology and manufacturing of copper moulds for the continuous casting process. Our moulds are reliable and cost efficient because of their long service life, highest standard of performance and are backed up by 50 years of know-how and R&D, which we have put into engineering top-quality products.

Copper moulds play an important role in the continuous casting process. Their function is to receive the molten steel and guarantee rapid heat transfer to the cooling water to enable quick solidification. The moulds must have excellent thermal conductivity and be resistant to thermal erosion and distortion.

Copper mould surface coatings

To extend the life of copper moulds a plating is required to coat the inside wall. The quality of the coating of the inside wall has a most significant role in determining a moulds service life. Over the years we have developed different coatings and improved continuously the quality and cost-efficiency of our continuous casting moulds.

Fabrication of continuous-casting molds for billets, continuous bloom and slab casting lines. Evertz special nickel coating and chrome coating are available.

  • Fabrication of molds for ESR and VAR systems
  • Repair and routine maintenance of continuous-casting molds
  • Fabrication and repair of water jackets
  • Innovative technologies for stainless-steel concast

Continuous casting service

Fabrication of continuous-casting molds for billets, continuous bloom and slab casting lines. Evertz special nickel coating and chrome coating are available.

  • Fabrication of molds for ESR and VAR systems
  • Repair and routine maintenance of continuous-casting molds
  • Fabrication and repair of water jackets
  • Innovative technologies for stainless-steel concast